
College Tuition vs Retirement Savings: What Should Take Priority?

College Tuition vs Retirement Savings: What Should Take Priority?   This is a question that comes up frequently in my practice: should you prioritize paying for your child’s educational expenses or accelerating your retirement savings as you near the twilight of your career? If you are divorced, this decision is made all the more complicated […]

A Women’s Guide to Money and Divorce

A Women’s Guide to Money and Divorce   How your finances are handled in a divorce may be the single biggest factor in your post-divorce quality of life and standard of living. It is crucial to compile a statement of net worth and ensure you are fully prepared for the division of marital property and […]

Deep v Heard – Legal Takeaways Relevant to a Family Law Matter

Deep v Heard – Legal Takeaways Relevant to a Family Law Matter   The civil trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has come to an end, though media outlets are reporting that Heard will appeal.   Jurors found Heard liable for defaming Depp in an Op-Ed published in the Washington Post and finding Depp […]

Protect Yourself From Financial Abuse

Have you had a chance to listen to my recent interview with Natalie Hoffman for her wonderful podcast, #FlyingFree? We had a terrific conversation about #financialabuse, and talked through the following questions (and many more): **What are the signs of financial abuse? **What can you do if you’re being financially abused? **Why is mediation with a narcissist […]

How to Guide Divorce Clients in the Age of Inflation

No matter the size of a marital estate, the current inflationary economic environment can complicate the divorce process and increase the chance of intractable disagreements over the division of assets and debts. It is more important than ever for a divorce attorney to have a firm grasp on the complex financial issues facing their clients. […]

Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets?

It is crucial to have a divorce attorney with the requisite experience to uncover hidden assets and protect your financial position. Link to Article

21 Divorce and Finances Tips

Do all of these tips apply to your situation? It takes an experienced divorce lawyer with in depth financial knowledge to identify the best course of action for protecting your financial interests during and after your divorce. Link to Article

What Does Your Divorce Mean for Your Taxes?

Tax day is April 18. If your 2021 tax year included a divorce, it will likely play a major role in your tax filing. Keeping the following tips in mind can help you protect your legal and financial interests as you take this step in your post-divorce life.