Tips For Female Breadwinners Overburdened At Home

According to the Journal of Family Issues, breadwinning women spend a disproportionately higher number of hours on household tasks and child care.  In a recent article by personal finance expert Stacy Francis in Kiplinger’s Magazine, I share that one of the top reasons couples get divorced is because of money disagreements: “Lisa Zeiderman, a divorce […]

Is Your Spouse a Financial Bully? Subtle Signs of Abuse to Watch for

Lisa Zeiderman was included in this recent Kiplinger article by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA®, CES™ about identifying financial abuse. Lisa explains that financial abuse is not limited to the non-working spouse: “Sophisticated executives (usually women) are often pressured to hand over their earnings to their spouse in return for an allowance that is doled out […]