Protection and Guidance From a Proven New York Attorney
You are not alone.
Do not face the difficulties of domestic violence on your own without the legal protection you deserve. Let an experienced New York domestic violence attorney be your advocate and help you.
Family law attorney Lisa Zeiderman can help you protect yourself, your children and others from the scourge of an abusive partner. Lisa represents domestic violence survivors in New York City, White Plains, Westchester County, and surrounding areas.
What is a New York Family Court Order of Protection
A family court order of protection is issued as part of a civil proceeding. Its purpose is to stop violence within a family, or within an intimate relationship, and provide protection for those individuals affected. All family court proceedings are confidential.
Get the Guidance and Protection You Need
Lisa Zeiderman can help you pursue an order of protection and make sure you understand all of your options for protecting yourself and your children. Call 914-488-2402 to contact her firm.