Postnuptial Agreements

Protecting Your Interests With a Postnuptial Agreement

A postnuptial is a legal contract entered into after marriage that has the same scope as a prenuptial agreement. Commonly known as a “postnup”, a postnuptial agreement can serve as a roadmap for the division of assets, liabilities, and waivers or payments of spousal support in the event of the dissolution of your marriage.

In Manhattan, White Plains and surrounding areas of New York, attorney Lisa Zeiderman offers experienced counsel and attentive service for clients interested in pursuing a postnuptial agreement. In addition to being a family law attorney, she is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. 

Why Have a Postnup?

Many couples face tough decisions regarding whether or not to remain married or to separate and divorce. When money is at issue – how it is spent, invested or who is earning it – a well-crafted postnup may make more sense than a divorce. 

Do You Have Children or Plan to Have Children? 

If you are married with children, you can also include a resolution of child support and even child custody in your postnuptial agreement. However, you cannot determine child support or custody as part of your postnuptial agreement if your child has not been born at the time you are signing the agreement.  

Has Infidelity Been an Issue in Your Marriage? 

Now may be the right time to consider a postnuptial agreement as you and your spouse attempt to move forward with your marriage after an extramarital affair. A postnuptial agreement can even dictate specific financial penalties for future extramarital affairs.

Enhance Your Marriage With a Postnuptial Agreement

Remember, a postnuptial agreement should enhance your relationship with your spouse by alleviating disputes over financial issues. The first step is calling 914-488-2402 to schedule a consultation with attorney Lisa Zeiderman.

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