Supporting Employees Through Divorce: Tips For Retaining Valued Staff
Divorce can permeate all aspects of life, including a person’s career. As a business owner, your employee’s problems can quickly become yours.
Protecting Your Business Legacy For Your Special Needs Child
Congratulations—that’s an impressive business you’ve built for yourself. It has provided for your family for years, including one of your children who has special needs. You may have protected that business with business insurance, a prenup and your estate plan, but you encountered a conundrum that many business owners who are also parents to a […]
Lisa Zeiderman Explores Scaling a Business
Lisa Zeiderman’s recent Forbes article, explores the significance of scaling for long-term business success.
10 Strategies for Teaching your Team to be Rainmakers
Lisa’s latest article for the Forbes Business Council discusses how to teach the art of business development to your team.
Chaos To Calm: Achieving Work-Life Balance As A Business Owner
Lisa Zeiderman’s latest article for Forbes Business Council discusses what work-life balance really means for a small business owner in a service business.
How to Build an Interdisciplinary Team Outside Your Law Firm
When it comes to family law it is crucial to have an attorney with extensive experience in areas such as divorce and custody rather than an attorney who occasionally dabbles in them. It is just as important to have an attorney who is self-aware enough to recognize that they are not an expert in every […]