
What do I do if my co-parent and I do not agree on vaccinating our kids?

The FDA has approved, for emergency use, the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12-15, which means parents will be making decisions about vaccinating their children in this age group. Families began these conversations around their 16-year-old plus children, and now, the pool of those eligible has gotten considerably larger. Whether or not to vaccinate – […]

Co-Parenting and the Covid Vaccine

Lisa Zeiderman was the featured guest on Jennifer Hurvitz’s Doing Relationships Right podcast to speak about co-parenting, the COVID-19 vaccine, and what to do if one co-parent does not want your child to get vaccinated. Lisa provides guidance for how to talk to your ex-partner about vaccination. She discusses navigating social media, homeschooling, and if […]

5 Tips for Co-Parenting Through the Holidays, in a Pandemic

5 Tips for Co-Parenting Through the Holidays, in a Pandemic COVID-19 restrictions complicate an already complicated time. December 2, 2020 It is a strange time, for sure. The holidays are upon us, but COVID-related guidance has made the holidays for divorcing and co-parenting spouses even more challenging, with less emotional support from extended family members and friends due […]