What do I do if my co-parent and I do not agree on vaccinating our kids?
The FDA has approved, for emergency use, the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12-15, which means parents will be making decisions about vaccinating their children in this age group. Families began these conversations around their 16-year-old plus children, and now, the pool of those eligible has gotten considerably larger. Whether or not to vaccinate – […]
Co-Parenting and the Covid Vaccine
Lisa Zeiderman was the featured guest on Jennifer Hurvitz’s Doing Relationships Right podcast to speak about co-parenting, the COVID-19 vaccine, and what to do if one co-parent does not want your child to get vaccinated. Lisa provides guidance for how to talk to your ex-partner about vaccination. She discusses navigating social media, homeschooling, and if […]
Family Court and Matrimonial Part Judges Should Brace Themselves To Decide the Vaccine Debate Amongst Parents
Even when a vaccine approved for children does become available, it will likely create a new dispute amongst parents as to whether or not to vaccinate their children, especially given the recently undermined credibility of the CDC, the FDA, and other public health institutions.
Experienced Judges Are Already Taking the Death Gamble; They Should Not Be Targeted in Budget Cuts
In response to the fiscal crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has created, New York State is planning to effectively force many judges over the age of 70 into retirement in a budgetary cost-cutting measure.
Divorce Cases Proceed In-Person or Virtually: There Are Pluses and Minuses to Both
I have been conducting virtual and in-person matrimonial and family law trials during the coronavirus pandemic. There are pluses and minuses to each process.
5 Tips for Co-Parenting Through the Holidays, in a Pandemic
5 Tips for Co-Parenting Through the Holidays, in a Pandemic COVID-19 restrictions complicate an already complicated time. December 2, 2020 It is a strange time, for sure. The holidays are upon us, but COVID-related guidance has made the holidays for divorcing and co-parenting spouses even more challenging, with less emotional support from extended family members and friends due […]
Domestic Violence Risks Rise As Temperatures Drop
The extraordinary stress associated with this pandemic, along with fewer opportunities to physically separate from abusive partners, is likely to trigger and even embolden domestic abusers.
The Rush to Divorce Mediation in the Time of COVID-19
Mediation might not be optimal for those whose spouse suffers from narcissism, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or other mental health issues.
Downward Modifications of Child Support, Unemployment and COVID-19
On March 20, 2020, in the midst of COVID-19 and to keep New York safe and healthy, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.8, also known as “New York State on PAUSE,” thereby shutting down all non-essential businesses.