
Lisa Guests on “From Betrayal to Breakthrough” Podcast

Lisa Zeiderman joined join Dr. Debi Silber of the PBT Institute on her podcast “From Betrayal to Breakthrough” to talk about the importance of prenups and the challenges — and many potential successes — coparenting! Listen to it here

Surviving Divorce in Midlife

Lisa Zeiderman was a guest on Alison Jacobson’s Podcast; Midlife Mavericks to discuss surviving divorce in midlife. 

From Fashion to Family Law

Denisa Tova hosted Lisa on her “Beyond the Bar” podcast to discuss her transition from the high-stakes world of fashion to matrimonial law.

How To Prepare for Divorce with Beverly Price

Beverly Price and Lisa Zeiderman discuss divorce preparations, necessary steps for optimal outcomes, and essential team experts on the latest episode of the Her Empowered Divorce podcast.