Thinking about divorce and not sure about first steps? Listen Here!

Thinking about divorce and not sure about first steps?


Join SAS For Women Cofounder Liza Caldwell, MA CPC  and

me for a confidential Zoom event next week!


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

12 – 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Space is limited. Admission $25

Click on the image/link below to RSVP and secure your seat.


With Liza, you’ll learn how to frame your situation, understand what the best questions are to ask a divorce attorney, and figure out how to bring down the overwhelm in your system by un-blending your emotional story from your critical, legal needs. You will also learn what you must know if or when you move on to work with a lawyer.


I will discuss strategic things you need to know as a (potentially) divorcing woman and field your diverse legal questions.


**We value your privacy, which is why you are welcome to join us using a pseudonym if you wish. We use first names only and no one will be on camera except Liza and me.**


As we get closer to the date, you will be provided Zoom details from SAS and a way to submit your questions in advance of the program.


This event will be recorded. If you register, you will absolutely receive the recording (live for one year).


**The information shared at this event pertains to New York law only and is offered as a public service. It is not intended to give legal advice about a specific legal problem, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. Due to the importance of the individual facts of every case, the generalizations we make may not necessarily be applicable to any particular case. Changes in the law could at any time make parts of this information obsolete. This information is provided with the understanding that if legal advice is required the services of a competent attorney should be sought.

Let's Work Together