Financial FAQ: How do you find hidden assets in a divorce?

Many clients come to me suspecting their soon to be ex-spouse is hiding assets. Finding out if that is true, and if so, where those assets are hiding, is a fundamental aspect of working through high-net-worth divorces.

In this interview with Malinee Churanakoses as part of the Chapter 2 Club’s Smart Women’s Guide for Breakups and Everything After video series, we talk about some of the most common places we find evidence of hidden assets:

  • Personal income tax returns
  • Bank statements
  • In family-owned businesses and related tax returns
  • Mortgage and other loan applications

Listen to my interview here, and remember that if you are embarking on a divorce, it is important to hire an attorney who understands where and how to look for this information.

For more information this and other timely topics related to the financial aspects of divorce,
follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @LisaZeiderman

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