How Do You Divorce A Millionaire?


New York divorce attorney and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Lisa Zeiderman was included in this recent Financial Advisor article by Karen DeMasters discussing how to divorce a millionaire. Specifically, Lisa talks about the biggest issues that financial advisors and lawyers often overlook:

“The biggest issue a financial advisor or lawyer confronts before a divorce is making sure neither spouse has all of the power over the money. If the husband or wife is saying the other spouse doesn’t care about finances and does not need to know what is going on, that is a warning sign that one spouse may not be dealing in good faith.”

“It is crucial to consider taxes when you value and divide these assets. In addition, too many divorcing spouses leave money on the negotiation table because their team of experts does not advise them properly about the tax consequences of exercising stock options.”

Read the full article here.

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