Coping With Divorce and Borderline Personality Disorder

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining process for anyone involved. However, when one or both parties have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), the situation can become even more complex and difficult to navigate.

How to Divorce a Narcissist

When your spouse is a narcissist, diagnosed or not, getting through a divorce will likely be just as confusing and hard as your marriage has been: which might seem difficult to bear.

Can My Co-parent Be Legally Monitored for Alcohol Abuse?

Know your legal options in a custody battle with an alcohol-addicted co-parent. I am not the first to say this: alcohol abuse disorder (alcohol addiction) can destroy a family. Marital problems can be difficult if not impossible to navigate unless both parties have a baseline of trust. Addictions often shatter that trust to such an extent that […]

Summer Is Here: It’s Time to Figure Out Your Custody Schedule

It is summer! Maybe the children are out of school, or, if not, they will be soon. It can be a less-pressure-filled time of the year for some, but for newly separated or divorced families, this can be a stressful time. So, if you haven’t already, get ahead of your summer and make sure the […]

Your Mental Health: What is Admissible in Court?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or forgot to pay your internet bill, you have seen coverage or at least memes stemming from the ongoing Depp vs. Heard defamation trial. The concepts of physician-patient privilege as well as a party’s mental state are among the key issues that have highlighted by this case. Lisa […]

What is financial stalking?

Understand what “financial stalking” looks like and how to respond if you are a victim.   Financial stalking is the notion that one person continually checks on what the other is doing with their money and how they are spending it.   Some of this activity is covert, but in other cases, the partner who […]

Lisa Zeiderman Visits The Learn to Mediate Online Podcast

You do not become one of the nation’s top family law litigators if you don’t have the ability to adapt. Lisa Zeiderman had to partially reinvent her practice during the pandemic. For the past 2 years,  with court appearances, trials and depositions being held virtually, Lisa was able to keep her client’s cases moving forward. […]

“My Child is Rejecting Me in the Middle of My Divorce. What Does This Mean?”

In some families, divorce may be coupled with a child having an extreme and seemingly inexplicable rejection of a parent. Your child may be experiencing parental alienation. In the abstract for a recent article in the Journal of Forensic Science, the difference between parental alienation and realistic estrangement is defined this way: Parental alienation is […]

Manic Spending Causes Anxiety, Particularly During Divorce

Here are legal tips to protect yourself and your finances. KEY POINTS When in the midst of a divorce, there are ways to legally protect your finances from a spouse’s over-spending. Cancel joint accounts, consider a postnuptial agreement, and keep documentation of the spending patterns. Talk to a mental health professional and ask your spouse […]